

ETHDenver 2024: Exploring Community Support in the Web3 Ecosystem

ETHDenver 2024: Exploring Community Support in the Web3 Ecosystem



min read

14 March 2024

ETHDenver 2024, the largest Web3 #BUIDLathon in the world, provided an invaluable opportunity for our team at Missio to delve into the rapidly evolving landscape of community support within the blockchain and Web3 space. As a B2B SaaS company focused on streamlining community management, we recognize the critical role that effective community support plays in the success of projects in this dynamic ecosystem.

Throughout the three-day event, we engaged with representatives from various blockchain projects, gaining insights into their unique challenges and approaches to community management. This post aims to share our key takeaways from these discussions and highlight the importance of efficient community support solutions in the Web3 era.

The Rise of Web3 Communities

The Web3 ecosystem has witnessed a surge in the number and diversity of online communities, with platforms like Discord and Telegram serving as primary hubs for interaction and engagement. These communities play a vital role in shaping the direction and adoption of blockchain projects, facilitating protocol updates, developer support, market discussions, and more.

However, as these communities grow in size and complexity, the need for effective management and support becomes increasingly apparent. Manual processes and fragmented communication channels can lead to missed context, inefficiencies, and suboptimal user experiences.

Insights from ETHDenver

During our time at ETHDenver, we had the opportunity to connect with a wide range of blockchain projects and learn about their community support strategies. Here are some key insights:

  1. Decentralized Governance: Many projects are exploring decentralized governance models, empowering their communities to actively participate in decision-making processes. This requires robust support infrastructure to facilitate meaningful engagement and ensure the smooth flow of information.

  2. Multichannel Support: Web3 communities often span multiple platforms, including Discord, Telegram, and project-specific forums. Integrating and streamlining support across these channels is crucial for providing a seamless user experience and ensuring that no query goes unanswered.

  3. Contextual Understanding: With the abundance of information generated within Web3 communities, it's essential to have tools that can parse and categorize data effectively. This enables support teams to quickly identify and address relevant issues, improving response times and user satisfaction.

  4. Automation and Efficiency: As communities scale, manual processes become increasingly unsustainable. Blockchain projects are actively seeking solutions that can automate routine tasks, such as ticket assignment, status updates, and knowledge base management, freeing up their teams to focus on high-impact activities.

The Missio Solution

At Missio, we are committed to addressing the unique challenges faced by Web3 communities. Our platform leverages advanced language models (LLMs) to produce condensed, actionable insights from vast amounts of community data. By automating data extraction and categorization processes, we enable community teams to focus on enhancing the user experience while saving time and resources.

Our data pipelines are designed to handle the complexity and scale of Web3 communities, ensuring that relevant information is captured and acted upon in a timely manner. Through our platform, projects can streamline their community support operations, improve response times, and foster deeper engagement with their users.


ETHDenver 2024 served as a powerful reminder of the importance of effective community support in the Web3 ecosystem. As blockchain projects continue to evolve and mature, the need for efficient, contextually aware support solutions will only grow.

"Build a community instead of an audience"

At Missio, we are excited to be at the forefront of this transformation, empowering Web3 communities to thrive through our cutting-edge platform. By leveraging LLMs and advanced data pipelines, we are helping projects navigate the challenges of community management and unlock the full potential of their communities.

We look forward to continuing our journey of exploration and innovation, working closely with the Web3 community to build the next generation of community support solutions.


Earl Potters

CTO of Missio.ai


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